Arduino – Starter Kit

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform. A good way to get started is with a starter kit like the Elegoo Starter kit, that contains everything you need.
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform. A good way to get started is with a starter kit like the Elegoo Starter kit, that contains everything you need.
I used an Ardunio Uno to play "The Imperial March" and display "May the 4th be with you!" on an LCD display.
Had a set back with the 3D printer build due to DOA parts. New parts have arrived and progress is being made!
I caught the evil mouse working on its Arduino powered, 4 Wheel Drive Mouse-Mobile. It’s not clear what the mouses intentions are with this, but I can only suspect it is a plot against world domination…
First parts have arrived for my DIY 3D Printer. An Arduino Mega and Ramps 1.6 board with drivers have arrived!
The IR Remote Controlled Laser Cat Toy is now complete. I used an Arduino UNO, IR remote, IR receiver, Laser Diode and two servos to create an IR remote controlled laser cat toy.
Finally! The laser diode has arrived for the IR Controlled Laser Cat Toy that O have been working on.
Already started on a Christmas project! With a mini LED Christmas Tree. Sadly I am still waiting on parts for my other projects.
Arduino UNO SMD Missing Drivers - How to install the CH430 Drivers for the Hardware ID "USB\VID_1A86&PID_7523".
The Arduino Laser Cat Toy is coming together nicely, it's now controlled via an IR Remote.
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform. A good way to get started is with a starter kit like the Elegoo Starter kit contains everything you need.