3D Printer Update – 25/06/21
After having delays on the parts for the DIY 3D I decided to bench the 3D DIY Printer project for now. I will be reusing some parts in a future project. It’s not all bad news! I ended up purchasing…
After having delays on the parts for the DIY 3D I decided to bench the 3D DIY Printer project for now. I will be reusing some parts in a future project. It’s not all bad news! I ended up purchasing…
Had a set back with the 3D printer build due to DOA parts. New parts have arrived and progress is being made!
I caught the evil mouse working on its Arduino powered, 4 Wheel Drive Mouse-Mobile. It’s not clear what the mouses intentions are with this, but I can only suspect it is a plot against world domination…
First parts have arrived for my DIY 3D Printer. An Arduino Mega and Ramps 1.6 board with drivers have arrived!
Finished making the window plant shelf for my partners plants. Next task is to add a plant monitoring system using an Arduino.