Arduino – Elegoo Starter kit

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform. It is a perfect way to make an introduction to electronics and coding, a good way to get started is with a starter kit like the Elegoo Starter kit contains everything you need.

You might think that there is just one type of Arduino broad. No, there are tons the choice can be overwhelming, an official branded board currently costs around £23. With Arduino being an open-source electronics platform, they make their PCB designs freely available, so it is possible to get a generic Arduino board for much less.

I choose the ELEGOO UNO R3 Project Super Starter Kit as a good all-around kit at a low price, it has everything you need to get started and is great for beginners young and old who are interested.

Amazon Affiliate Link (Paid) – ELEGOO UNO R3 Project Super Starter Kit:


The included instructions and tutorials which are included on the disk are also available to download, by visiting:

Before you get started you will also need to install the Arduino IDE which is available for Windows, Mac or Linux. Arduino IDE Download:

You will quickly find yourself with a good understanding of the basics of electronics and coding by experimenting with an Arduino.

As this kit contains a wide variety of components, you can browse the Arduino Project Hub for more ideas and free tutorials.

Arduino Project Hub:

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